The Farouche Assemblage
by Matt Hughes
Scope: cover and interior design
Published: 2007
The Farouche Assemblage, a short story by Matt Hughes, was the fourth chapbook created and published by my now defunct small art press, Payseur & Schmidt.
I designed the book interior and cover. The text block was printed on a Xerox machine using quality paper. The resulting pages were hand-trimmed and bound by myself using a friend’s perfect binding machine. The cover was screen printed in 3 colors at my former screen printing shop (Patent Pending Press) and hand-trimmed by myself and Therese Littleton to fit the profile of Jason Van Hollander’s head illustrations. For the limitation page, I designed a paste-in strip that was signed by Matt Hughes, stamped over with a custom-designed stamp, and adorned with Therese Littleton’s thumbprint. 125 copies were printed and hand assembled.